All the assessment articles

Tech-Powered Talent: Leveraging Technology For Smarter Hiring Decisions

Harnessing Technology for Innovative Hiring Strategies We have all heard the saying “time is money” and that could not be truer when it comes to the hiring process. According to research, the average cost per hire for an entry-level position is over $14,000 and can take up to 42 days to complete. For executive positions, […]

Gamified Assessment as a Recruitment Tool

More and more organizations are nowadays using gamified assessment as a recruitment tool. It seems that the business world globally is into playing games! But what is “gamification”? The term gamification first appeared in the Oxford dictionary in 2011. It implies the use of game elements in non-game situations. The intersection of technology and human […]

HR Trends: Traditional Candidate Assessment vs. Game-based Assessments

It’s time to switch things up! Up until today, traditional psychometric tests for candidates’ haven’t changed in the slightest. Those willing to be ahead of their time already shifted to the state-of-the-art candidate game-based assessments. As an alternative for multiple choice psychometric test, more and more employers tend to shift to fun video-games. Don’t get mislead though, apart from being fun; […]