All the interview questions articles


Recruiters are getting smarter about how they filter out applicants during the hiring process. Scary stats like the cost of making the wrong hire motivate in-house recruiters to be more careful about whom they extend job offers. The cost of hiring the wrong fit can be up to 2.5x the salary – as much as $240,000, according to […]

High-tech Ways for Reinventing the Job Interview

We have all been there, going to a job interview and anticipating the typical interview questions. I bet anyone can recall one of these: “Why should we hire you?” or “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”. Right? And well, the very least that someone interested in taking the job could do is to prepare […]

Hiring For Cultural Fit: Why and How To Do It?

We’ve received a lot of feedback from our readers on a recently posted blog post about “Why should someone hire for Culture Fit?”. Now, we realized how “hot” the topic actually is, as we saw how many recruiters are also studying it. As Anja Zojčeska, a Human Resources Manager of TalentLyft did. We enjoyed reading […]