All the HR articles

HR in Motion 2018: How You Can Survive in an Increasingly Competitive Environment

The human resources (HR) department was once viewed as a burdensome operational overhead. After all, how difficult can it be to post job advertisements, conduct an initial screening, prepare an employment contract, and act as a liaison between senior management and the workforce? C-suite executives paid little heed to the importance of having a vibrant […]

Choosing a candidate assessment provider: a checklist of what to look for

Today there is a tonne of candidate assessment tools in the market and in recent years they’ve become a necessity for many HR professionals. Every provider is trying to bring something fresh and unique to the table, but how can you make the right choice? And do you even need a candidate assessment tool at […]

Everything changes, and so does HR!

It was the Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus who stated that “everything flows”, meaning that all things undergo change and although sometimes change is not obvious, it is still happening. Today, more than 2,500 years later, nothing could be truer; the way we communicate, the way we travel, the way we work, everything is dramatically […]

HR Trends: Traditional Candidate Assessment vs. Game-based Assessments

It’s time to switch things up! Up until today, traditional psychometric tests for candidates’ haven’t changed in the slightest. Those willing to be ahead of their time already shifted to the state-of-the-art candidate game-based assessments. As an alternative for multiple choice psychometric test, more and more employers tend to shift to fun video-games. Don’t get mislead though, apart from being fun; […]

Choosing the Owiwi soft skills

The use of valid and reliable employee recruitment and selection methods is one of the most critical human resource management functions, providing meaningful and measurable impacts in an organization. A study just published in the Academy of Management Review[1], the flagship journal of the largest scientific association of management scholars worldwide, has provided further evidence […]

Social Media Recruitment

Social media recruitment, often referred to as social hiring or social recruiting, is the use of social platforms as talent databases and/or as the media for placing job ads. Social media recruitment has been more and more extensively used in the past few years, thanks to the high penetration of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, but […]